President, Janette McFedries
- Mobile (021) 265 5184
- Email jan.mcfedries@gmail.com
Secretary, Lesley Taylor
- Phone (03) 385 3137
- Email lesley.taylor@xtra.co.nz
Treasurer, Kathryn Rutherford
- Phone (03) 385 3137
- Mobile (027) 840 5593
- Email kathryn1977@hotmail.co.nz

Founded in 1897, the Christchurch Beautifying Association has been one of the most successful pressure groups in the history of Christchurch. Over many years the Association has been a strong advocate to make this city as one where beauty is respected and encouraged.

The objectives of the Association are -

- To initiate, plan and carry out the improvements, beautification and protection of the City of Christchurch.
- To promote and maintain interest in all matters affecting the beautification and improvement of the area of its operation.
- To encourage clean and beautiful surroundings.

The Association continues to have an influence on the development of modern Christchurch by -
- Organising street and garden competitions
- Promotion of Christchurch as the Garden City of New Zealand
- Providing many gifts to the city - including the Floral Clock, the original Peacock Fountain, Millbrook Reserve, Water Wheel in the Avon River and the Daffodil Plantings in Hagley Park

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